Thursday, 4 December 2008

Change we need!

I start to write my blog after the horrific terror attack on Mumbai. This ordeal endured by innocent people will influence the article, which, I may add, have been part blogs of multiple millions of bloggers across the globe.

When the attacks happened, I was having dinner with my colleagues and came home at about 10:30 PM Netherlands time. Upon arrival, my wife told me about the attacks and I was glued to the television what was going to be a dreadful night of horror scene of mass murder.

India and Indians have been subjected to terror attacks and they themselves and the world has forgotten about these attacks. Only people who have not forgotten are terrorists.
This attack was different in more ways than one.
1. This was first attack of its kind (suburban hostage situation) in the history of terrorism.
a. Attacks on school in Beslan, Russia (September 2004) and the theater in Moscow (Oct 2002) were also suburban terrorisms but they wanted something in return and they did not want to kill people by spraying bullets.
b. Israel has been subjected to numerous terror attacks which I can safely assume are greater in number than all terror attacks occurred in other countries together.
Many high profile Indians and foreigners died in this attack which has not been the case until now. All prior attacks were on poor localities, markets and suburban trains.
c. 10s of Europeans, Japanese, American and British people are killed in these attacks. This has triggered more widespread condemnation across the globe, which goes beyond mere words and now US, UK and Israel want to take part in the investigation.

What would be the motive of these attacks, everyone seems to think to spread terror in the country which I tend to agree.

But now I think that this attack was planned by none other than the master terrorist Bin Laden, well the reasons I think are
1. Pakistan army brass wants to move forces from Afghan border to Indian border
a. This will put pressure on American & British forces in Afghanistan
b. Al Qaida can strengthen its forces and fight American and British in Northwest frontier province.
c. Osama does not need to move his home time to time and Dr Zawahiri can look after him in more stable situation. All this is based on an assumption that Osama bin Laden is alive.

2. Al Qaida has planned an attack of 9/11 and precisely one week before Ahmed Shah Masood was killed. He was giving a tough fight to Taliban and in the event of American attack on Afghanistan, Ahmed Shah Masood would have been a big headache for Taliban.
Geneal Dostan and Dr Abdullah Abdullah were influential people, but, I believe, only in the shadow on Ahmed Shah Masood.
This shows high level of planning with risk identification and mitigation.

Until now I have talked about all old news and how the things happened and why? There is no basis but just a conspiracy theory.

Next article I would write about what we can do to avoid such terror attacks. You all are welcome to peep into mind of a nobody.

Be cool, Be brave !


Rahul Nene


Varsha said...

ah ha!!!! started blogging ha!!! Cool!!! Very relevent subject to start the blog!!

PRAMOD said...

whrer the picture of ch.shivaji that u stated in ur blog,i feltly need that picture with that book page in and by francois valentijn Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien ,if u have pls send it to me in good pixel
thanx in advance
dr.pramod bankhelepp